The art of writing lies not in saying things in interesting ways—that is sophistry. It lies in saying interesting things. Rooting out insights, exploring ids and idioms and super-egos, and also knowing when the moment is right to say something monumentally stupid but also very funny.
“If you can't annoy somebody, there is little point in writing.”
Kingsley Amis

I'm an advertising copywriter with well over a decade in the industry. Born and educated in the UK, domesticated in the US and working in New York, Chicago, London and now my home of St. Louis.
THESE PROJECTS aren't not not advertising
Make yourself at home. Did you bring in the mail? No? Never mind. Since you're here, pour yourself a glass of whiskey and take a wander through my sundry collection of words, images, ideas and moving pictures. Would you mix me up a Manhattan? Oh, and take off your shoes, this is my portfolio for goodness sake. It's a professional space.